Neopixel Block:
Neopixel block is working by using RGB color format. RGB(RED GREEN BLUE) color format refers to a system for representing the colors. Red, green, and blue can be combined in various proportions to obtain any color in the visible spectrum.
There are four inputs in the Neopixel Block these are Led No, RED, GREEN, and BLUE.
Neopixel Block
Neopixel Block İnputs:
1-) Led No:
Explanation: Selection of led on Neopixel Module
Input: integer
Range: 0 – 12
2-) RED:
Explanation: RGB color format for Red
Input: integer
Range: 0 – 255
3-) GREEN:
Explanation: RGB color format for green
Input: integer
Range: 0 – 255
4-) BLUE:
Explanation: RGB color format for blue
Input: integer
Range: 0 – 255
1-) Changing color any of led:
- Turn on 0. led:
- Turn Off 0.Led:
2- ) Setting brightness of LEDs
- Turn On 8. Led as a %20 RED:
- Turn On 8. Led as a %20 White:
3-) Changing color any of Whole Led:
- Change the color of whole LEDs:
- Change the color of whole LEDs by one by:
- Change the color of whole LEDs by one by. And then, turn off by one by:
- Change the color of whole LEDs to RED with %20 by one by. And then, turn off by one by. Make it continuously:
- Change the color of whole LEDs to RED by one by. And then, change the color of the whole LEDs to Green by one by. Change the color of the whole LEDs to Blue by one by. Make it continuously: