ESPcopter was successfully Funded at Crowdfunding!

We are overwhelmed that we’ve raised 108% in our 60 days of this campaign. Thank you to all our wonderful backers, we appreciate all of your support!

Introducing Espcopter

After more than two years of continuing research, development and testing here is the most hackable and affordable mini-drone ESPcopter. 


What is the ESPcopter programmable mini-drone?

Espcopter it is unique small size mini-drone that is a wirelessly networkable, interactive and programmable drone.

Why Students Should Learn Drone Programming?

An important part of Drone technology is provided by the flight control software. If a suitable software can be written for a drone, it can be operated in all weather conditions.

If students are trained in drone software, they can develop software in many areas such as defense industry, aerospace and aircraft technologies, especially drone, which is the technology of the future.

Blockly Programming 

We developed a fully online blockly coding web site for students who are new to coding education. 



Swarm Drone With Blocks



Arduino is one of the most popular microcontroller coding languages of recent years. We have developed an open-source Arduino library for the ESPcopter.

ESPcopter can be programmed by using commands that are in the ESPcopter library. To the so you can learn Arduino programming from beginner to advanced. 

ESPcopter Arduino SDK(Türkçe):

ESPcopter Arduino SDK(İngilizce):

How Can I Control ESPcopter?


Control with RemoteXY

RemoteXY is an IoT platform where you can make your own ESPcopter phone application by drag and drop over the internet. With this platform you can make your own control and develop it in various IoT applications.

Web address:


You Can Design Your Mobile Phone Control APP By Using RemoteXY



What are the Technical Specifications of ESPcopter?

Thanks to its modular structure, you can add new features to ESPcopter By Using Sensor Shields

What are Development Modules?

ESPcopter Optical Flow Module:

The optical flow module measures the movement of the ESPcopter over the ground, allowing the drone to remain stable in the air and to perform autonomous tasks.

ESPcopter Multi-Distance Module:

There are laser sensors on the multi-distance module with 1-meter detection distance facing forward, backward, right and left. With this module, you can do applications such as collision prevention, autonomous flight or hand control according to the distance to the walls.

Other Modules:


ESPcopter Neopixel Module:

There are 12 NeoPixels in this circular card. It can connect to the ESPcopter’s top input pins.

You can use the NeoPixel module to make various light shows while flying with the ESPcopter.

ESPcopter Buzzer Module:

There is one buzzer in the buzzer module. It can connect to the ESPcopter’s top input pins.

You can play music through the Buzzer module when you are not flying, and you can hear the warning sounds when you fly.

ESPcopter Temperature Pressure and Humidity module

This module has one BEM280 sensor. It can connect to the ESPcopter’s top input pins.

You can use this module to record weather data while flying or you can send these data to your phone or computer over the internet in your IoT project.

ESPcopter Altitude Hold Module

This module has one VL53L0x sensor module. It can connect to the bottom input pins of the ESPcopter.

Using this module, you can measure the height of the ESPcopter up to 1.2 meters and automatically fix the height of the drone.